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Super Resoultion Imaging


by cepiloth 2016. 2. 21. 20:12



 Super-resolution imaging (SR) is a class of techniques that enhance the resolution of an imaging system. In some SR techniques—termed optical SR—the diffraction limit of systems is transcended, while in others—geometrical SR—the resolution of digital imaging sensors is enhanced.

Super-resolution imaging techniques are used in general image processing and in super-resolution microscopy.

Geometrical or image-processing superresolution

Compared to a single image marred by noise during its acquisition or transmission (left), the signal-to-noise ratio is improved by suitable combination of several separately-obtained images (right). This can be achieved only within the intrinsic resolution capability of the imaging process for revealing such detail.

Multi-exposure image noise reduction

When an image is degraded by noise, there can be more detail in the average of many exposures, even within the diffraction limit. See example on the right.

Single-frame deblurring

Known defects in a given imaging situation, such as defocus or aberrations, can sometimes be mitigated in whole or in part by suitable spatial-frequency filtering of even a single image. Such procedures all stay within the diffraction-mandated passband, and do not extend it.

Both features extend over 3 pixels but in different amounts, enabling them to be localized with precision superior to pixel dimension.

 Sub-pixel image localization

The location of a single source can be determined by computing the "center of gravity" (centroid) of the light distribution extending over several adjacent pixels (see figure on the left). Provided that there is enough light, this can be achieved with arbitrary precision, very much better than pixel width of the detecting apparatus and the resolution limit for the decision of whether the source is single or double. This technique, which requires the presupposition that all the light comes from a single source, is at the basis of what has becomes known as superresolution microscopy, e.g. STORM, where fluorescent probes attached to molecules give nanoscale distance information. It is also the mechanism underlying visual hyperacuity.


Bayesian induction beyond traditional diffraction limit

Some object features, though beyond the diffraction limit, may be known to be associated with other object features that are within the limits and hence contained in the image. Then conclusions can be drawn, using statistical methods, from the available image data about the presence of the full object.[9] The classical example is Toraldo di Francia's proposition[10] of judging whether an image is that of a single or double star by determining whether its width exceeds the spread from a single star. This can be achieved at separations well below the classical resolution bounds, and requires the prior limitation to the choice "single or double?"

The approach can take the form of extrapolating the image in the frequency domain, by assuming that the object is an analytic function, and that we can exactly know the function values in some interval. This method is severely limited by the ever-present noise in digital imaging systems, but it can work for radar, astronomy, microscopy or magnetic resonance imaging.[11]


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